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Hall of Chambers

DesignEFX Hall of Chambers

– This section is comprised of organizations, agencies and businesses who provide support, direct services, or resources for small business owners and not-for profit creators. Past representatives include the IRS (the only event they are authorized to exhibit at for small businesses in North Florida), Small Business Development Center – UNF, SCORE – Jacksonville, Women’s Business Center, and professional organizations including E3 Business Group, Inc. If you do business B2B then this is a great area to be exposure your brand and raise awareness.

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E3 Business Group - North Florida

Visit E3 Business Group, Inc

E3 Chapters provide training, marketing support, product development, and strategic planning services for its members and associates. Workshops, seminars, and conferences are offered which cover a wide variety of business skills, leadership methods, and real world scenarios. In addition, E3 members are extremely active in local community inititiatives working to combat many of the social and economic ills facing our natiion. E3 entrepreneurs are taught the value of using the skills which make them successful in business in both their community and personal lives.